Children, unknowingly, love high protein foods. Let's find out what they areMaking sure your children get a balanced diet is important for their development and growth . An essential part of the nutrients necessary for the development of children is provided by proteins : they perform a key function for the functioning of the organism; participate in the formation of skin, hair and muscle fibers; regulate hormones; they constitute the antibodies that defend against diseases; they produce enzymes and energy and transport oxygen from the lungs to all tissues through hemoglobin.
Protein needs depend on a child's age and weight. The 2015-2020 USDA Dietary Guidelines recommend the following amount of protein each day for children based on their age range. Until they reach age 14, the recommendations are the same for both boys and girls. In recent years, boys should eat more protein because they are still growing and tend to weigh more than girls.According to the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics (SIPPS), on the basis of the prudential indication proposed by the LARN (Reference intake levels for the Italian population, 2014), from 3 years onwards as regards protein intake, it is good stay within the target range of 12-18% of your daily calories. Furthermore, it is recommended for children to consume 4 portions of legumes, 4 of fish, 1 egg a week, 1 portion of red meat, 2 portions of white meat and 2 portions of cheese over the course of a week.
As specified in the Nutripiatto 2021 Guide, proteins are distinguished according to their source of animal or vegetable origin.
Foods of animal origin are those which, in addition to containing the highest protein quantities on average, provide "complete" proteins, the so-called "noble", as they are made up of all 20 amino acids necessary for the body, and are also highly digestible. A child's diet should especially include milk, eggs, and meat. Soy, hempseed, and quinoa are also complete proteins and serve as a vegetarian alternative.
Among vegetable foods, legumes are the ones that provide the greatest protein quantities: for this reason, they are currently used as a protein source to alternate with proteins of animal origin, especially when combined with cereals, because the combination allows you to reach a good protein quality, reducing the intake of animal fats. Even by consuming vegetable sources of protein, it is possible to obtain the right amounts within a child's diet. For example, simply pair different proteins, such as grains and legumes, to ensure enough variety.
What are proteins for?
Our body uses protein for practically every activity performed inside it; they participate in the transport of oxygen throughout the body, builds and repairs tissues (including muscle tissues), and participates in the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, and other chemical compounds. They are also the building blocks of bones, cartilage, organs, skin, blood, hair, and nails.
Antibodies are made up of proteins, as are enzymes that read the genetic information in our DNA to create new molecules. Signaling proteins transmit signals between cells, tissues, and organs, while carrier proteins move atoms and small molecules through the body
Which foods contain the most protein?
Proteins are the building blocks of all our cells and play an essential role in muscle development and the reduction of body fat. Since the body is unable to produce them independently, however, we must take them through food.
By following a balanced diet, you can easily meet the recommended protein requirements. Animal protein sources, such as milk and dairy products, eggs, fish, and meat will help you with this. Whether you choose to avoid animal products or not, we always recommend meeting your protein needs through plant-based protein sources as well. Legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains are good sources of plant protein and also provide other important nutrients.
In addition to foods that contain protein naturally, today's foods often provide you with an extra serving of protein. Especially in stressful everyday life, such foods can help you achieve your goals.
Basiconsequently, a food is considered a protein source if 12% of the calories can be attributed to protein. ally, according to the European Regulation on nutrition and health claims made on food products (Health Claims), food can carry the label "high protein content" or "rich in protein" only if at least 20 percent of the Total calorie content of the food can be attributed to the protein content.
Foods rich in animal protein
Low-fat meats such as chicken breast or lean beef as well as fish such as pollack, salmon, or shellfish are the most important protein sources of animal origin. Those who follow a vegetarian diet can opt for eggs and dairy products, although these have a lower protein content than meat and fish. Milk derivatives, such as yogurt, buttermilk, and kefir are particularly digestible.
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